INCONTRI A PARIGI Si tratta dei verbali di venti incontri, tenuti il giovedì e il sabato tra il 1920 e il 1946 circa, da Gurdjieff. Dal contesto si deduce che fu proprio lui stesso, contrariamente a disposizioni prese in altri periodi del suo insegnamento, a stabilire che si trascrivessero gli incontri. Ultimamente i post degli incontri sono in ordine di data, posticipata di trent'anni poiché così permette l'interfaccia di Blogger. - Gianni S. luglio 2010
giovedì 25 ottobre 2012
sabato 1 settembre 2012
lunedì 9 aprile 2012
I RACCONTI DI BELZEBU' A SUO NIPOTE (Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson)
Anulios = reverse anul and you have Luna Ios, the true I (Anulios is introduced with the identical words of the real I in the first chapter, note that is written but rarely times as Anulios and not Anoolios)
Lunderperzo = Luna + under personality, the essence is hidden under personality e viceversa (see In search of ...), the moon has ever a dark side. This can be the Essence, in fact we only see Personality (from our terrestrial point of view)
Earth = the ordinary conscious
Atlantis = subconscious (see Moore, Anathomy of a mith, infact this is the first key of lecture I found).
The comet that crash on Earth is (try to draw the scene in your storyboard) a spermatozoid that enter in a feminine cell.
High beings that wrong calculations are mother and father
The hystory of cosmos in the book is the story of every human being.
Now: what can be Etherokrilno and Okhinadok (JG Bennett write that Okinadok is obstinacy) but I think is thought before the division in the three center, before division in affirming etc.
The catastrophes and the fludd? A fludd of hormones in puberty?
The Egypt before the sands and its map?
Lunderperzo = Luna + under personality, the essence is hidden under personality e viceversa (see In search of ...), the moon has ever a dark side. This can be the Essence, in fact we only see Personality (from our terrestrial point of view)
Earth = the ordinary conscious
Atlantis = subconscious (see Moore, Anathomy of a mith, infact this is the first key of lecture I found).
The comet that crash on Earth is (try to draw the scene in your storyboard) a spermatozoid that enter in a feminine cell.
High beings that wrong calculations are mother and father
The hystory of cosmos in the book is the story of every human being.
Now: what can be Etherokrilno and Okhinadok (JG Bennett write that Okinadok is obstinacy) but I think is thought before the division in the three center, before division in affirming etc.
The catastrophes and the fludd? A fludd of hormones in puberty?
The Egypt before the sands and its map?
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